Sea Rover safely in Kayak Cove |
We've just made it into the Bella Bella/Shearwater area and will have cell coverage today. Over the past few day's we've had a wonderful time buddy boating with a couple of new friends. Two days ago we poked our nose out from the metropolis of Calvert island and really went bush. A few days in the Spider group and you realize that you are never really safe no matter how good the charts are. We chose what we thought was a conservative entrance into the group and poked our way through rocks and kelp with Karina keeping a sharp lookout on the bow. I saw a few numbers on the depth sounder that didnt jive with the chart and was starting to get a bit worried.
Celebration dinner |
Right then we got a call... "Sea Rover II, Sea Rover II, we've hit a rock and have lost our rudder". Well, now Im really worried about our situation as well, but we stand by, our minds racing about how we can help. Luckily both boats managed to make our way to a reasonable anchorage and after getting secured worked together to formulate an evac plan. An evening of good wine and chocolate cures all damages to the heart. Unfortunately fiberglass doesn't regrow once removed so in working with Don over email we managed to connect with Shearwater Marina and confirm that they could haul out our new friends.
Our new Friends underway with only a Hydrovane for a rudder |
Those that have spent any time on Sea Rover, know that Im a big fan of the Hydrovane wind vane system (info
here). Our friend had a hydrovane on their boat and were able to use this auxiliary rudder to steer the boat over the next two days despite completely missing their main rudder. Yet another great testament for a great system.
We spent last night in Kayak cove and living up to its name we met a few kayakers on the beach who were planning on heading south around Cape Caution to Port Hardy. I certainly have a great respect for their plan.... much braver than we ever were in our Kayaks. We were happy to donate a few gallons of water to their cause.
Hopefully we'll be able to navigate the masses here at Bella Bella for the Native canoe fest. We may spend a few days in this area assuming we can find a place to drop the hook.
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