Where are we?

We've got a few tools that we'll be using to help those that care, keep track of us.  At some point when we have no boat projects to work on we'll make this page pretty.  Who knows, we might even post our actual track or god forbid, move our future plans from the sand to the permaweb.
For now you can click on the following links:

InReach Tracker Page  currently the best option for tracking us in real time but it wont work if you are using a tablet.

BCA Marine Traffic AIS Page

Keep in mind that all these are based on electrical technowizardry so if we drop off the map you shouldn't assume we have sunk or been abducted by aliens.


  1. See you have made it to San Diego. I just loved being there. Hope you get a chance to see the sights. We are still in La Paz maybe heading out into the sea in a few days.

  2. Are you heading to Chula Vista? Or just out looking around?

  3. San Jaunico was one of my favourite places to anchor.
